Little Yellow Cottage – Christmas Edition

The Little Ice Age In the middle of the 1700s, Church Street was developing apace and soon it would become my turn to be built. It was towards the end of what is now referred to as “The Little Ice Age”. The winters had been viciously cold and, in this region, white with heavy snow … Read more

Little Yellow Cottage – Update 19

A Bit of Background Two hundred and fifty years ago when I was being built and Captain Cook was training to be a navigator over in the harbour and off the Whitby coast there was a limited number of mainly natural materials that would be used for my construction. Wood, bricks, stone, lime-based mortar, slate, … Read more

Little Yellow Cottage – Update 14 – Taxes & Greetings

I hear a conversation in the street outside my front door. George has been working on my front windows and numerous people had stopped to pass the time-of-day as they admire my scaffold-free front. There’s still lots to do of course but the outside is looking up and the door surrounds will add to that … Read more

Little Yellow Cottage – Update 12 – The Pirate Years!

Hello again Peeps, This one’s about love, death and racing, oh, and wirelesses. We also take a look at pirates. I’ve seen and heard them all, read on… Lee Waring was here following the granting of planning permissions from the Conservation people. He’s putting a work schedule together so Jack Hallam has been along to … Read more

Little Yellow Cottage – Update 7

My Dear Whitby peeps, Last year, before I went into hibernation I told you about some of the things that I had witnessed before and into the First World War. I remembered the SS Rohilla and the rescue operation, not to mention the effects of the war on our wonderful Whitby community. I also explained … Read more

Little Yellow Cottage – Update 5

My Dear Whitby Peeps and lots of wonderful folks worldwide, things are at a bit of a standstill as we wait for permissions for the work that is still to do; however, even after three centuries, I’m still transfixed by the beautiful view as the sun goes down over the harbour.  I’ve got to the … Read more

Little Yellow Cottage – Update 4

Dear Whitby Peeps and wonderful people worldwide, I mentioned last week that my roof was fixed and I’m dry, at least I’m not getting any wetter. My walls are now stripped and they too are drying at a slow and very acceptable rate, I really don’t want anything to happen rapidly as that would add … Read more

Little Yellow Cottage – Update 3

Dear Whitby peeps (and wonderful people of the world)  A couple of months ago when I announced what was happening it was purely to let you know that there were moves afoot to restore me. It followed a picture and a note from someone who expressed their concern regarding my condition. They asked why I … Read more