Little Yellow Cottage – Christmas Edition

The Little Ice Age In the middle of the 1700s, Church Street was developing apace and soon it would become my turn to be built. It was towards the end of what is now referred to as “The Little Ice Age”. The winters had been viciously cold and, in this region, white with heavy snow … Read more

Little Yellow Cottage – Update 18

Well, I’ve been quiet for a while but, with the exception of the main lock-down weeks, there has been some internal action. At last, the 1st and 2nd floors have been repaired with beautiful new wood; however, where the old wood survived, the planks and joists have been re-used and conserved.  The ground floor living … Read more

Little Yellow Cottage – Update 14 – Taxes & Greetings

I hear a conversation in the street outside my front door. George has been working on my front windows and numerous people had stopped to pass the time-of-day as they admire my scaffold-free front. There’s still lots to do of course but the outside is looking up and the door surrounds will add to that … Read more

Little Yellow Cottage – Update 13 – Health and Disease

George has been busy stripping my door, refitting my windows in the front and doing a lot of painting but there’s a huge amount yet to do. Lee Waring, my builder, has been revealing my original fireplace and chimney and renovating them using reclaimed bricks and Danny has removed the last of the concrete that … Read more

Little Yellow Cottage – Update 12 – The Pirate Years!

Hello again Peeps, This one’s about love, death and racing, oh, and wirelesses. We also take a look at pirates. I’ve seen and heard them all, read on… Lee Waring was here following the granting of planning permissions from the Conservation people. He’s putting a work schedule together so Jack Hallam has been along to … Read more

The Little Yellow Cottage – Update 11 – The War Years

In 1940 the cauldron is brought back into general use as fresh food becomes scarce and the need for cheap food well-cooked becomes imperative. For many decades I had an open fire and a huge cauldron would hang from an iron hook that would swivel and allow the pot to be moved in and out … Read more

Little Yellow Cottage – Update 9 – The Dracula Years

Lots of planning and material ordering going on now. With the exception of the lime plaster and limecrete and some small amounts of wood, all of the other items are sourced from old buildings and suppliers who specialise in material for elderly buildings such as me. New materials would have been inappropriate and controversial.  Some … Read more