Little Yellow Cottage – Update 7

My Dear Whitby peeps, Last year, before I went into hibernation I told you about some of the things that I had witnessed before and into the First World War. I remembered the SS Rohilla and the rescue operation, not to mention the effects of the war on our wonderful Whitby community. I also explained … Read more

Little Yellow Cottage – Update 5

My Dear Whitby Peeps and lots of wonderful folks worldwide, things are at a bit of a standstill as we wait for permissions for the work that is still to do; however, even after three centuries, I’m still transfixed by the beautiful view as the sun goes down over the harbour.  I’ve got to the … Read more

Little Yellow Cottage – Update 3

Dear Whitby peeps (and wonderful people of the world)  A couple of months ago when I announced what was happening it was purely to let you know that there were moves afoot to restore me. It followed a picture and a note from someone who expressed their concern regarding my condition. They asked why I … Read more

Little Yellow Cottage – Update 2

The Little Yellow Cottage – Abbeville There’s been a huge amount of emergency work over the last two weeks to make me watertight and identify future work. The concrete pantiles that had become porous over the last few years have been replaced with traditional clay pantiles that James Cook would have seen when I was … Read more

Little Yellow Cottage 1 – Potted History

My Dear Peeps, I’m Abbeville, although Her Majesty’s Postal Service gave me a longer name 37a, Church Street, Whitby, YO224AE. It’s a bit long-winded and impersonal but it gets the letters and parcels here so that’s great. I do have another name generously given to me by the people of Whitby and sailors using the … Read more